Wednesday, November 12, 2008

David Weiner - Representation

Dear Mrs. Weiner,

This is to confirm our recent telephone conversation wherein you requested that I represent your son, David, in an effort to have his passport returned to him from the police.

As I explained, my fee of US$1,600 will include negotiating with the prosecution, filing the relevant motion and appearing before the court, as well as all necessary consultations with David. It is my hope that these means should suffice in order to achieve the desired result. However, should there arise a need for additional proceedings such as appeals, etc. I will notify you immediately.

As agreed, kindly FedEx me the above payment along with David's ATM card at my address listed below.

Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

As of yet, I have not received an answer on David Gleisher's cell phone: ___-____976. Hence, I would greatly appreciate your having him call me at his earliest convenience.

With warmest regards,


This person should really learn to spell-check their emails before sending them out. I put it up as-is.

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